Are You Taking Your Daughter On Her First Date?
Has your daughter turned the magic age that you designated for the time she could accept invitations from young men to go on dates? You're feeling a bit melancholy about that, aren't you? Maybe you remember the first time you held your baby girl in your arms. Or, you're reminiscing about the times you taught her little girl how to dance by letting her step on your feet as you followed the beat of the song that was playing. On the other hand, isn't it fun watching your little girl turn into a lovely young lady?
Even though your daughter will now be allowed to date boys you approve of, perhaps you have decided that you want the pleasure of taking her on her first. If that's the case, of course you surely want it to be a very special event. From arranging for limo service to selecting your activity for the evening, here are some ideas that might help you to plan a date your daughter will remember for the rest of her life.
Arrange For Limo Service - You've more than likely taken many trips in an elegant limousine. If that's the case, you already know what a special feeling it is to ride in a luxury car. As you arrange for a luxury car and limo service to pick you and your daughter up, consider asking the clerk to have a bottle of chilled non-alcoholic Champagne and pretty goblets waiting for you as you enter the limo. Make the treat even sweeter by having her favorite candy bar as part of the presentation.
Your limo driver will help to make your daughter's first date a special one. He or she will open and close the car door. You will both be treated like royalty as you are driven to your destinations.
Limo service is probably less costly than you thought it would be. However, even if it is an expensive venture, hiring a limousine might be some of the best money you will ever spend on your daughter.
Plan A Special Evening - Think of what your daughter will enjoy the most. For example, if she would love to wear her dressiest outfit for dinner at an elegant restaurant and a show afterwards, be sure you can get tickets to the show so she won't be disappointed. On the other hand, your daughter might love to wear a casual outfit and go bowling or miniature golfing.
No matter what you plan for your daughter's first date, the limo driver will drive you safely to your destination, wait until you are ready to go to the next event and then return to make sure you get home after your special night on the town.