3 Tips To Prevent Body Damage To Your Dump Truck
Dump trucks are known for doing a rather heavy-duty job, and they can become a bit "beat up" on the outside because of it. Of course, you cannot completely prevent your dump truck's body from being dented, dinged, and scratched from gravel, dirt, and other debris. However, there are some tips that you can follow to at least help minimize the damage that is sustained by your truck during the course of a regular work day.
1. Choose a Steel-Bodied Truck
As you might already know, some dump trucks are actually made with aluminum bodies. This can be beneficial in some cases; for example, dump trucks that have aluminum bodies are often much lighter, which can help you reduce fuel costs. However, the aluminum bodies of these trucks can be much more likely to be dented, dinged, and otherwise damaged because the material isn't quite as heavy-duty. Therefore, if you are going to be using your dump truck for heavy-duty work and would like to prevent damage to its exterior, you may want to opt for a more rugged steel-bodied truck.
2. Only Allow Experienced Operators to Use It
If you are buying a dump truck for your business, then it's very important to be careful about who you allow to operate the truck. Those who are not experienced with driving and operating dump trucks or those who are careless when doing so can actually cause a lot of damage to your truck. This is because they could accidentally fling rocks and other debris onto the body of the truck, causing body damage. If you are going to be operating your dump truck yourself, you might find that taking the time to practice will help you take good care of your truck. Alternatively, if your employees are going to be the ones who operate your truck, you will want to ensure that they are properly trained to help ensure that they can operate the dump truck safely and without causing any unnecessary damage to it.
3. Keep it Clean
It might seem natural for a dump truck to be dirty. However, if you leave your dump truck dirty, then the debris that gets on the paint job could eventually cause permanent damage. Taking the time to spray off your dump truck after a busy day can help you prevent body damage and ensure that the truck is ready for the next day. Plus, this can help make it easier for you to perform a visual inspection that can let you know about any potential problems with your dump truck.
For more information about your dump truck and how to properly maintain it, contact a professional trucking company, such as Bobby Hoelscher Trucking Inc.